Your instrument case is designed to protect your instrument. It is a standard part of every instrument rental from Day Violins. However, your instrument case is not indestructible nor will it protect your instrument against rough treatment. Whether you have a “hard case” or a “soft case,” this guide offers suggestions that will ensure you treat your case with respect to make sure it can properly protect your instrument from damage.
- Your case is not a chair, a footstool, a stage, or a stepladder! Never sit or stand on your instrument case. Not even when it’s empty!
- Never write on your instrument case or embellish it with tape or stickers. When you rent an instrument from Day Violins we provide name and address labels in a variety of colors. If you want to further distinguish your case from others please use a bright-colored ribbon tied around the handle. Tape and stickers will damage the case!
- After removing your instrument from a hard case, shut and latch the lid of the case and store it in a safe place until you are ready to put your instrument away.
- Never force the lid of the hard case closed. If you cannot close the lid, something is not properly set inside. Forcing it closed can damage the lid and hinges AND the instrument.
- Similarly, never force the zipper of a soft case closed. If the instrument is properly stored in the case, the zipper should close easily. Re-arrange the instrument in the case, then try again.
Day Violins understands the importance of your instrument case and the job it does to protect your instrument. If the case fails for any reason—broken strap, strap that unravels or comes loose, broken hinge, broken handle, broken zipper, etc.—immediately contact Day Violins to arrange for a replacement case…and thank you for renting from Day Violins!